Friday, August 28, 2009

How to unlock Gutter Uncensored from Malaysia" is permanently blocked for certain ISP (Internet service provider) users by the Malaysian government. Only people in Malaysia are affected by this action of the local government. There are several ways to get around it but if you do nothing it is not accessible if you are using TMNet’s DNS server. Only some Internet user who subscribe to certain private Internet service provider in Malaysia can access the website freely. Those user who subscribe to "Streamyx" Internet service provider are unable to access the Gutter Uncensored site. Currently 70% user in Malaysia subscribe to Streamyx Internet service, so a lot the blog's readers are affected. You should consider switching your ISP if you can from Streamyx to another.

If you are trying to access but you get a "server not found" screen instead of the blog than you are a victim of Internet censorship in Malaysia by a colabaration of the Government and Streamyx. But there are action that you can take to get around being censored from seeing what you want on the Internet. The solution is open source DNS server and HTTP/CGI base proxy. Here are three easy ways to get around and END ALL INTERNET CENSORSHIP in Malaysia and else where for that matter:


The easiest and best way to view the Gutter Uncensored is to change your DNS in TCP/IP setting (see detail instructions below) to use Open DNS IP Address. They are: and and then you can surf the Gutter Uncensored and any other blocked website without the need for any proxy site.

This is the easiest and best way because you only need to do it once. And then you can view and any other blocked website for that matter.

One easiest way to remove censorship of Telekom Malaysia, and other ISP by the government.

Posted via web from nivk's posterous

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